The Malta Maritime Forum is delighted to announce that Board Member and indeed one of its Founders, Dr Ann Fenech has been elected President of the Comité Maritime International. In fact, Dr Fenech is the first Maltese professional to be elected to this most prominent of posts in the international maritime sphere. She is also the first female to occupy the post of President of the CMI in its 125-year history. The CMI celebrated its 125th Anniversary in Antwerp last week.
Dr Fenech’s election earlier this week was uncontested. This is indeed a proud moment for her, for Malta and for the Malta Maritime Forum. All those who have worked closely with Dr Fenech knowingly appreciate how fortunate the CMI is to have her head this organisation whose aim is the unification and development of international maritime law. The MMF wishes Dr Fenech every success and reward in this new prestigious role.
Dr Fenech previously occupied the position of Vice President of CMI – a post to which she had been elected for two consecutive terms. As Vice President she had recently been given the responsibility to coordinate a project at UNCITRAL – the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law where she led a team promoting a convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships which was subsequently approved last June.
The Comité Maritime International is a non-governmental, not-for-profit international organization. It was established in Antwerp in 1897, with the objective to contribute by all appropriate means and activities to the unification of maritime law in all its aspects. To this end, it promotes the establishment of national associations of maritime law and co-operates with other international organizations. The CMI is the author of the majority of international maritime conventions.