Celebrating World Maritime Day: Implications on the Maltese Maritime Industry

The Malta Maritime Forum with the support of the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works (MTIP) is organising a Conference entitled 'A National Maritime Transport Strategy: Addressing the Needs of the Industry'. The event will be held on Maritime Day, 26th September at the Orchid Room - Xara Lodge, Limits of Rabat. Please see [...]

September 15th, 2024|MMF News|

3rd MMF ESG in Maritime Conference

The MMF recently held its third conference dedicated to ESG in Maritime bringing together relevant industry players and regulatory stakeholders. At this third edition, the MMF’s ESG Conference brought together public and private sector stakeholders from the Maltese maritime industry. This time round the event was supported by BIMCO - the world's largest direct-membership organisation [...]

August 22nd, 2024|MMF News|

MMF expresses its strongest gratitude to Capt Jesmond Mifsud

The Malta Maritime Forum expresses its strongest gratitude to Capt Jesmond Mifsud for his sterling service to the Maritime Industry in his role of Chief Pilot from which he has recently stepped down. During his term, Capt Mifsud was instrumental in setting up the Malta Maritime Pilots Cooperative in 2003 as part of a forward-looking [...]

August 13th, 2024|MMF News|

MMF held Annual General Assembly

Whilst addressing his fellow members during the recent Annual General Assembly, Godwin Xerri outlined the key policy priorities for the Malta Maritime Forum which it has continued to champion over the past months and will continue to pursue with the objective of registering some meaningful progress.  These priorities are : The development of a National [...]

May 21st, 2024|MMF News|

MMF MBN Showcasing Maritime Malta Networking Event

The MMF and the UK Branch of the Malta Business Network successfully organised their “Showcasing Maritime Malta” networking event which was held at    the prestigious International Maritime Organization (IMO) Headquarters in London on 27 February. The initiative succeeded at offering a unique opportunity for a delegation of 35 MMF members to network with London-based maritime [...]

March 4th, 2024|MMF News|

MMF Meeting TM CEO and Permanent Secretary

The Board of the Malta Maritime Forum met with the Chairman and CEO of Transport Malta (TM) and the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects to discuss a number of policy issues of prime importance to the maritime industry. The meeting served for the Forum to underline its positions on EU [...]

November 7th, 2023|MMF News|

MMF sharing concerns regarding ETS with Minister Miriam Dalli

The MMF met with the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise and the CEO of Malta Enterprise where it shared its serious concerns regarding business and carbon leakage risks arising from the implementation of EU ETS on Shipping. The MMF has so far met 23 different stakeholders on the matter since August as it [...]

October 27th, 2023|MMF News|

MMF CEO meets EP President Dr Roberta Metsola

On 11 October the MMF CEO Mr Kevin J Borg discussed the implementation of the EU’s Emission Transport System (ETS) on Shipping with the President of the European Parliament, Dr Roberta Metsola, during a recent visit to Brussels. Kevin J Borg conveyed the MMF’s concerns with the serious risks of business and carbon leakage arising [...]

October 11th, 2023|MMF News|

BOD Member Miriam Camilleri at WestMED Maritime Clusters Conference

Board Member Miriam Camilleri represented the Malta Maritime Forum at an international conference organized by WestMED entitled “Blue Challenges in the Mediterranean – Boosting New Sustainable Opportunities”. Miriam Camilleri delivered a presentation entitled “The Italian-Maltese cooperation for the benefit of Southern Shore countries of the Mediterranean" which gave an overview of the role and functions of [...]

October 6th, 2023|MMF News|
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